How to Wear Your Hair During a Massage
How to wear your hair during a massage. The long and short of what to do with your tresses as we help you unstress!
What KIND of Massage do you do? - Massage FAQs
Any good massage therapist has been trained in a variety of techniques, and will employ a blend of their knowledge to treat your specific issues. I like to compare what we do to playing jazz, or abstract visual art, it might seem random from an outside perspective, but there is order and reason involved in the process.
Book your massage like a PRO!
Hey there! Now that you’ve been in a couple of times, we figured we’d give a few tips to help you book your next appointment like a pro!
What massage can, and cannot do for you.
I help reasonably healthy people optimize their existing health through preventative maintenance of muscles and joints. If you have muscle tension, I can help with that. If that muscle tension causes other problems (say, a headache) then what I do might also help that secondary problem. If you have neurological pain, I cannot help with that. Your pain is real, but I don't work on the nervous system.
Fitness Fiber - the BEST way to stay regular with your massage!
“I need to do this more often” is something we hear ALL the time, and we want to make it easier for you to do just that. This subscription plan is for those who want to stay on track with their monthly massage and want a little incentive to stick with it.
Do Your Hands Get Tired? Massage FAQs
An experienced massage therapist knows to use the right tool for the job, and that means that very little hand strength actually goes into a professional massage. While your massage therapist is making contact with her hands, force applied actually comes from proper body mechanics and leverage.
Ashiatsu now in KC!
Ashiatsu is a painless deep tissue massage intense enough to relax every fiber of your being. This unique form of barefoot deep tissue massage (which looks a bit like acrobatics from the sidelines) is perfect for athletic clients who prefer deep work. For $90, clients can try a 90-minute session of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. Ashiatsu is available 7 am - 7 pm Monday through Saturday at 2020 Washington KCMO 64108.