What Happens In A Couples Massage?

Let us demystify Couples Massage

If you have never had a couples massage, you may be wondering how the experience is different from an ordinary therapeutic massage.  The short answer is: the primary difference is that two clients are in the same room at the same time.  You will each have your own LMT (licensed massage therapist), and you will each receive a massage tailored to your needs on that day.  But that answer is very literal, and is only useful to those of you who are already familiar with what happens during a therapeutic massage. As my friend Jason says frequently, you don’t know what you don’t know.  And while I am very familiar with Couples Massage after many years of offering them here in downtown KCMO, I’m going to do my best to imagine that I’m new to massage. I hope to tell you what you need to know to decide if a couples massage is right for you.

The planet is a large place, and there are loads of different kinds of massage experiences. The following description applies to what happens here at Solaris Massage, right here in the middle of the USA.  This may not be how every place does things, but it is a pretty standard example of what you should expect in our area.  

When you arrive, you will fill out a short intake form and speak with your therapist (yes, you will each have your own LMT) about any areas you wish to avoid, or areas that need extra attention.  Your therapist will show you where to put your clothing and belongings, tell you whether to begin face up or face down, and then both therapists will leave the room so that you can disrobe and get on the massage table.  To be clear, at this stage, you WILL be disrobing in front of the person you are having the massage with.  So whether it’s a friend, spouse, or romantic partner, just know that you will need to be comfortable with this portion of the couples massage.

Before returning your therapist will knock on the door to make sure you have had enough time to get on the table.  When returning, we will ask questions about the temperature of the room, and double check on pressure levels throughout the massage. Our job as therapists is to focus on helping your body RELAX, and most of us are able to do our job best when we are NOT talking.  This does not mean YOU should not talk, but please don’t be offended when we let any conversation trail off.  We are trained to let your body and mind become QUIET. We play music during our sessions, so there won’t be awkward silence, and if one of you snores, that’s ok too!  

During your Couples Massage, all you need to do is RELAX.  As my colleague Zeth said recently: if you can lay down, you’re halfway there, if you can relax, you’re the rest of the way there.  You are always welcome to mention areas that are bothering you, but you also don’t need to give your therapist any instructions.  Massage is a non-verbal communication between your therapist and your body.  We are here to find areas of restriction, and help guide the body into a more relaxed state.  At our shop, draping is required, and you will be modestly draped at all times.  This helps keep your tissues warm, and provides another layer of comfort to the experience.  If you would like to SEE how we do draping, please watch this video.  

During the massage feel free to speak up and mention anything that you  forgot during your intake.  Are your feet ticklish?  Let us know.  Are you feeling chilly?  We can crank up that heated table.  Elbow doesn’t bend? Speak up! But if you fall asleep that’s ok.  When it’s time to roll over, your therapist will let you know, and the second half of your massage will begin.  

When the massage is over, your therapist will let you know that the session is over, and that you should take your time getting dressed, then meet us in the lobby.  What happens next?  You take a deep breath, pull yourselves up off those tables, and then get ready for your outro music.  Don’t forget any watches or jewelry you removed!  At the end of the massage you will check out at our front desk, and grab whatever cute sticker or magnet is in season.  We have great merch at Solaris Massage!  Your therapist might have specific recommendations on how soon you should return, or aftercare advice.  But mostly, we will tell you to drink plenty of water, and to take it easy the rest of the day.  A massage can leave you feeling both relaxed and slightly disoriented.  Or disorientated as the English say.  

So that’s it.  That’s what happens in a couples massage.  It’s very much like any therapeutic massage, just with two clients in the same room at the same time each with their own massage therapist.  So what makes a Couples Massage magical?  Couples Massage is a great way to share a deeply relaxing experience with another person.  For people who are new to massage, they find that booking a Couples Massage makes them less nervous.  It’s also a great way to celebrate a wedding or anniversary.  A Couples Massage is great before a romantic dinner, or as the event of the day on your getaway vacation to KC! Our clients who regularly book Couples Massage monthly find that it allows them BOTH to stay on track with their wellness routine.  Since they are both booking at the same time, it just makes scheduling easier.  And you’re both getting the same number of massages each year, so no massage jealousy! 

Whether you are brand new to massage and needed the complete picture painted for you, or are a veteran of therapeutic massage and just wondered what the hype is all about for Couples Massage, I hope this post answered your questions.  If there’s something we missed, shoot us a message.  When you’re ready to relax in KC, make an appointment! 

  • Yes, you will both be in the same room

  • Yes, you will each have your own massage therapist

  • No, you do not need to be romantic partners

  • Yes, you will be disrobing after the therapists leave the room, but you will be in the same room as the person you are having the massage with (wtih whom you are having the massage)

  • Talking is not prohibited, but it’s also not encouraged.

  • No, you don’t need to take off ALL your clothing to get a massage. If you have questions about what to wear during a massage read here

  • Yes, you will be covered during the massage with the exception of the body part we are working on.  You can watch a  time-lapse of how we drape our clients here.


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